I just upgraded to this shiny new website. I'm all about looking to the future, so I'm not going to post any old news, but here is a quick recap of the past few years.
- SHOOT Magazine New Director Showcase Selection.
- Winner of Best Comedy at the Toyoma Film Fest (Scent).
- Winner of Best Narrative at the Suffolk Film Fest (Up A Hill).
- Winner of Best Music Video at the Indie Gathering Film Fest (The Only One).
- Project Greenlight Top 200 selection. Bluecat Screenplay Contest Quarterfinalist (Affirmation).
- WeScreenplay Contest Finalist (Enough Cocaine to Time Travel).
Back to the present. I just added some new client work. You probably already saw it on my landing page, but if not, feel free to go back and watch it. I'm also working with my amazing producer team to secure financing for two feature films while making some cool stuff.
Much love,